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Installation Process:

Implementing ICF systems for walls involves a systematic process:

1. Surface Preparation: A smooth and straight surface is prepared for installation.

2. Channel Installation: Metallic channels are fixed horizontally on the surface.

3. Wall Installation: The ICF walls are then installed onto the channels.

4. Install the Shuttering to prepare the walls for concrete pouring.

5. Concrete Pouring: Concrete is poured into the ICF structure, creating a robust, insulated wall.

6. Utilities Installation: Electricity and water utilities are installed within the ICF walls.

7. Base Coat: A base coat is applied to the walls.

8. Primer: A primer is then applied to prepare the walls for the finish.

9. Finishing: The desired finish is applied, completing the construction.


In conclusion, ICF systems represent a leap forward in the construction industry, offering an efficient and durable solution for modern buildings. Benefits ranging from thermal and acoustic insulation to flexibility in design. The easy and fast installation process coupled with its competitive pricing makes it an attractive option for many construction projects, promising a sustainable future for building industry.

ICF System for Walls


Insulated Concrete Formwork (ICF) System for Walls (E-Wall):

ICF System for Walls, also referred to as E-Wall, is an innovative construction technique that’s reshaping the traditional building sector. It consists of a load-bearing wall element made up of two expanded polystyrene (EPS) boards, held together by vertical steel ladders and plastic screw caps. This structure serves as both the building’s exterior wall and insulation, providing a sturdy, energy-efficient solution for modern-day constructions.

Advantages of the ICF Systems for Walls (E-Wall):

ICF systems offer many advantages, which solidifying their position as a competitive choice in the construction industry.

1. Thermal Insulation: ICF walls provide superior thermal insulation, thereby reducing the need for additional heating and cooling systems, and potentially saving up to 40% on AC electricity bills.

2. Acoustic Insulation: The EPS boards effectively dampen sound, providing excellent acoustic insulation.

3. Fire Retardant: ICF walls have a high fire resistance rating, enhancing the safety of the buildings they’re used in.

4. Cost-Effective: Despite the high-quality features, the cost of ICF systems remains competitive compared to other new construction technologies.

5. Durability: They are resistant to earthquakes and natural disasters, ensuring long-lasting stability. Furthermore, their lifespan exceeds 50 years, making them a sustainable choice.

6. Design Flexibility: ICF systems for walls can be customized to meet any design request, providing architects with a high degree of creative freedom.

7. Quick Installation: The simplicity of the ICF system allows for fast, efficient installation, reducing construction timelines.

8. No Full Shuttering: This feature simplifies the construction process, making it more efficient.

9. Zero Thermal Bridge: When used with E-Deck, ICF system for walls can offer a zero thermal bridge, further enhancing their energy efficiency.

10. Versatile Finishing: They can accommodate a wide range of finishes, offering flexibility in design and aesthetics.

Installation Process:

Implementing ICF systems for walls involves a systematic process:

1. Surface Preparation: A smooth and straight surface is prepared for installation.

2. Channel Installation: Metallic channels are fixed horizontally on the surface.

3. Wall Installation: The ICF walls are then installed onto the channels.

4. Install the Shuttering to prepare the walls for concrete pouring.

5. Concrete Pouring: Concrete is poured into the ICF structure, creating a robust, insulated wall.

6. Utilities Installation: Electricity and water utilities are installed within the ICF walls.

7. Base Coat: A base coat is applied to the walls.

8. Primer: A primer is then applied to prepare the walls for the finish.

9. Finishing: The desired finish is applied, completing the construction.


In conclusion, ICF systems represent a leap forward in the construction industry, offering an efficient and durable solution for modern buildings. Benefits ranging from thermal and acoustic insulation to flexibility in design. The easy and fast installation process coupled with its competitive pricing makes it an attractive option for many construction projects, promising a sustainable future for building industry.

Plastbau Arabia Co. Ltd. was founded in 2005 and it is recognized as an innovative company providing Building Technology and manufacturing Expanded Polystyrene products in the Eastern Province

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